StrengthsFinder® vs DISC

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If you’re debating which personality test to use – for yourself and/or your team, here’s how StrengthsFinder® compares to the DISC test.

StrengthsFinder® vs DISC
Most people feel that StrengthsFinder® is easier to understand than DISC. Because of the straightforward nature of the results it yields, StrengthsFinder® makes it easier to predict your own behavior and the behavior of those around you. Years after taking the DISC test, very few people can remember what designation they were given (e.g. DI, ISC, etc.) or what it meant. But StrengthsFinder® sticks, in large part because it resonates with people.

StrengthsFinder® also appears to do a better job of revealing people’s true personality traits, because there are 34 possible strengths, rather than the four categories of DISC.

What Is The DISC Test
The DISC behavioral assessment tool was first developed in the 1940s, and it separates people into four primary temperaments. The designer of the test, William Moulton Marston, believed that these personality traits dictate people’s behavior and that each person came by these traits both naturally and as a result of their environments.

The DISC test includes 79 questions and takes around 15 minutes to complete. Over 2 million people have taken the DISC test.

DISC Profile Types
The four DISC profile types are:

  • Dominance
  • Influence
  • Steadiness
  • Conscientiousness

DISC Style Combinations
When you factor in primary, secondary, and tertiary behaviors, there are 40 possible DISC styles. The DISC combinations are:

  1. D (Dominance)
  2. DI (Dominance, Influence)
  3. DS (Dominance, Steadiness)
  4. DC (Dominance, Conscientiousness)
  5. DIS (Dominance, Influence, Steadiness)
  6. DIC (Dominance, Influence, Conscientiousness)
  7. DSC (Dominance, Steadiness, Conscientiousness)
  8. DSI (Dominance, Steadiness, Influence)
  9. DCS (Dominance, Conscientiousness, Steadiness)
  10. DCI (Dominance, Conscientiousness, Influence)
  11. I (Influence)
  12. IS (Influence, Steadiness)
  13. IC (Influence, Conscientiousness)
  14. ID (Influence, Dominance)
  15. ISC (Influence, Steadiness, Conscientiousness)
  16. ISD (Influence, Steadiness, Dominance)
  17. ICD (Influence, Conscientiousness, Dominance)
  18. ICS (Influence, Conscientiousness, Steadiness)
  19. IDS (Influence, Dominance, Steadiness)
  20. IDC (Influence, Dominance, Conscientiousness)
  21. S (Steadiness)
  22. SC (Steadiness, Conscientiousness)
  23. SD (Steadiness, Dominance)
  24. SI (Steadiness, Influence)
  25. SCD (Steadiness, Conscientiousness, Dominance)
  26. SCI (Steadiness, Conscientiousness, Influence)
  27. SDI (Steadiness, Dominance, Influence)
  28. SDC (Steadiness, Dominance, Conscientiousness)
  29. SIC (Steadiness, Influence, Conscientiousness)
  30. SID (Steadiness, Influence, Dominance)
  31. C (Conscientiousness)
  32. CD (Conscientiousness, Dominance)
  33. CI (Conscientiousness, Influence)
  34. CS (Conscientiousness, Steadiness)
  35. CDS (Conscientiousness, Dominance, Steadiness)
  36. CDI (Conscientiousness, Dominance, Influence)
  37. CIS (Conscientiousness, Influence, Steadiness)
  38. CID (Conscientiousness, Influence, Dominance)
  39. CSI (Conscientiousness, Steadiness, Influence)
  40. CSD (Conscientiousness, Steadiness, Dominance)

For more information about our StrengthsFinder® services or to schedule your free 30-minute consultation, please call Elizabeth Mahoney at (303) 729-0611, or email

Click to compare StrengthsFinder® vs Myers-Briggs.

Click to compare StrengthsFinder® vs Enneagram.

Click here to learn more about options for StrengthsFinder® training and using StrengthsFinder® for team building.