Leadership Training With StrengthsFinder®

SPECIAL OFFER – EXPIRES SEPTEMBER 1, 2024: We are pleased to offer a StrengthsFinder® training package for just $300. To learn more, call (720) 312-8737, or email contact@strengthscoachingandtraining.com.

FREE CONSULTATION: Call today to schedule a free consultation, (720) 312-8737, or click here to directly book your consultation.

The StrengthsFinder® test, designed by the Gallup® Organization, is rapidly gaining popularity inside companies and organizations, and for good reason. Also known as CliftonStrengths®, StrengthsFinder® is easy to take and simple to understand, and it produces “accurate” results that resonate with people.

We can customize StrengthsFinder® leader and leadership training to meet your exact needs. We can help you identify your strengths (and weaknesses), in the strategic thinking, executing, influencing and relationship building categories of StrengthsFinder®.

We can expand the leader and leadership training to include your executive circle, management team, and/or key employees. Once everyone’s strengths have been identified within a team, the results are amazing. It’s easier to work together, to assemble sub-teams, and to turn to one another for support.

It also could be helpful to expand StrengthsFinder® to include all of your staff and employees. This type of StrengthsFinder® training can be particularly helpful for teams who work remotely and/or teams who are staffing up quickly.

We will deliver customized training on StrengthsFinder® in whatever way works best for you:

  • we can train you remotely
  • we can train you in Denver, Colorado or Santa Fe, New Mexico (where we’re based)
  • we can train you on-site at your location

We train all types of leaders, executives, and managers, who work in all types of organizations, including:

For information about StrengthsFinder® leader and leadership training, please call (720) 312-8737 or e-mail contact@strengthscoachingandtraining.com.

Note that we offer leadership training throughout the U.S. and Canada.