Team Building With StrengthsFinder® For Government Agency Teams

Strength In Service

SPECIAL OFFER – EXPIRES SEPTEMBER 1, 2024: We are pleased to offer a StrengthsFinder® training package for just $300. To learn more, call (720) 312-8737, or email

FREE CONSULTATION: Call today to schedule a free consultation, (720) 312-8737, or click here to directly book your consultation.

Cog Wheels with Teamwork and Change WordsGovernment agency teams face a unique set of challenges that can affect their performance, service delivery, and overall effectiveness. These challenges stem from the nature of public sector work, organizational structures, regulatory requirements, and the broader socio-political environment.

Common Challenges That Government Agency Teams Face
Some of the common challenges that government agency teams face include:

  • budget limitations
  • staffing challenges
  • complex approval processes
  • regulatory constraints
  • policy changes
  • silos
  • interagency collaboration

StrengthsFinder® Can Help With Team Building For Government Agency Teams
When it comes to team building, StrengthsFinder® can be an extremely effective tool for government agency teams. This online personality test identifies people’s top 5 strengths (out of 34 possible strengths). The StrengthsFinder® test takes just 35-45 minutes to complete, and the results can be astounding – for each individual and the team as a whole!

First and foremost, StrengthsFinder® can help people understand and appreciate each other, and it can also help government agency teams:

  • staff strategically
  • enhance team collaboration
  • encourage communication
  • improve team dynamics
  • boost personal fulfillment
  • reduce burnout
  • build resiliency
  • drive innovation
  • improve service delivery
  • adapt to policy shifts
  • maximize efficiencies
  • optimize resources
  • cultivate a positive culture

All Types Of Government Agency Teams Can Benefit From StrengthsFinder®
All types of government agencies can benefit from StrengthsFinder®, including:

  • city government agency teams
  • county government agency teams
  • state government agency teams
  • federal government agency teams
  • health agency teams
  • transportation agency teams
  • education teams
  • law enforcement teams
  • regulatory agency teams
  • legislative teams
  • judicial teams
  • social welfare agency teams
  • research and development agency teams
  • cultural and recreation agency teams

StrengthsFinder® Training And Workshops For Government Agency Teams
We offer remote and in-person StrengthsFinder® team building trainings and workshops for government agency teams, and we can customize these to meet your exact needs.

In our StrengthsFinder® trainings and workshops, we typically cover:

  • strengths charting for the entire team (a compilation of each team member’s top 5 strengths)
  • overview of the 34 StrengthsFinder® strengths
  • examples of the combinations of a person’s top 5 strengths
  • contributions, needs, triggers, and overuse patterns of the 34 StrengthsFinder® strengths and how they can impact teams
  • case studies

We’re happy to accommodate your schedule, including providing trainings and workshops on nights and weekends.

For more information about our team building training and workshops for government agency teams, please call (720) 312-8737, or e-mail

Please note: Based in Denver, Colorado and Santa Fe, New Mexico, we can deliver in-person StrengthsFinder® trainings and workshops all across the United States, as well as remotely.

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Team Building For Interdepartmental Teams
Team Building After Remote Teams
Team Building For Hybrid Teams
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