StrengthsFinder® Training: Remote Training

SPECIAL OFFER – EXPIRES SEPTEMBER 1, 2024: We are pleased to offer a StrengthsFinder® training package for just $300. To learn more, call (720) 312-8737, or email

FREE CONSULTATION: Call today to schedule a free consultation, (720) 312-8737, or click here to directly book your consultation.

We are pleased to offer StrengthsFinder® training for staffs, teams, small businesses, organizations, and corporations, and we can provide the training remotely, through conference calls.

Here is how this type of StrengthsFinder® training works…

We begin by working with you to determine what you would like to accomplish during the StrengthsFinder® training and what outcomes you would like to achieve. From there, we can customize our StrengthsFinder® training to fit your needs and your timeframe.

The StrengthsFinder® trainings that are delivered via teleconferences (using Zoom, Skype, GoToMeeting, Join Me, or another similar platform) can be group calls and/or individual calls.

This type of StrengthsFinder® training is perfect if you have a team that’s separated across the country (or the globe) or if you want a cost-effective way to provide training.

We can also deliver StrengthsFinder® through teleconferences after we’ve presented a customized StrengthsFinder® workshop for your team or organization. The ongoing support offered through the teleconferences can help ensure that the excitement and momentum that was generated at the workshop continues into the workplace, for weeks, months, and years to come!

We offer customized StrengthsFinder® workshops for:

For information about our remote StrengthsFinder® training options, please call (720) 312-8737, click here to book a free consultation, or e-mail

Note: We’re located in Denver, Colorado and Santa Fe, New Mexico. In addition to providing StrengthsFinder® training via conference calls, we also offer customized StrengthsFinder® training workshops and one-on-one StrengthsFinder® training.