StrengthsFinder® Training

SPECIAL OFFER – EXPIRES SEPTEMBER 1, 2024: We’re pleased to offer a StrengthsFinder® training package for just $300. To learn more, call (720) 312-8737, or email

FREE CONSULTATION: Call today to schedule a free consultation, (720) 312-8737, or click here to directly book your consultation.

The beauty of StrengthsFinder® is that it is easy to take the test and easy to understand the results, on a surface level.

But digging into what the results really mean, how the 5 top strengths combine to create an “uber” strength, and how those strengths can be applied in life-changing ways, well, that gets more complicated.

Interpreting and looking at a wholistic picture of how an entire team’s strengths coalesce (or clash), now that’s when it gets really challenging!

If you would like to take your interest in StrengthsFinder® to the next level, we would love to offer you StrengthsFinder® training.

We deliver StrengthsFinder® training in the formats listed below.

One-on-One StrengthsFinder® Training
If you are a coach, consultant, HR trainer, HR business partner, manager, or leader, we can help you add another tool to your toolkit. We’ll customize a training package for you that will increase your expertise and enable you to offer StrengthsFinder® coaching or consulting as one of your services.

Customized StrengthsFinder® Workshops
We offer on-site workshops for HR business partners, teams, managers, and executives, and we’ll customize the StrengthsFinder® workshops to your specific and needs. These StrengthsFinder® trainings are typically half-day or all-day workshops.

Remote StrengthsFinder® Trainings
In our remote StrengthsFinder® trainings, delivered through group conference calls, we can follow-up on a StrengthsFinder® workshop that we presented to your team, or start from scratch. We’ll customize the trainings to your specific company and needs, and pick a cadence that works for you (bi-weekly, monthly, quarterly, etc.).

We offer a variety of StrengthsFinder® training packages, ranging from a quick-start package to ongoing, intensive trainings.

For more information about StrengthsFinder® training, or to schedule a free 30-minute consultation, please call (720) 312-8737, click here to book a consult, or e-mail

Please note: In addition to StrengthsFinder® training, we also offer StrengthsFinder® coaching, and StrengthsFinder®speakers. Our StrengthsFinder® company is based in Denver, Colorado and Santa Fe, New Mexico and we provide StrengthsFinder® services for clients across the U.S. and Canada.