StrengthsFinder® vs Enneagram
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If you’d like to take a personality test or use a personality test for your team, here is how StrengthsFinder® compares to the Enneagram personality test.
StrengthsFinder® vs Enneagram
In some ways, the Enneagram is too simplistic – slotting people into one of just nine categories, which might or might not seem to fit. And in other ways, the Enneagram is too complex for most people to grasp and apply to their everyday lives and relationships.
The Enneagram focuses on what can be extremely personal traits, which makes it tricky to introduce into the workplace setting. It also takes a fair amount of introspection and self-awareness to grasp its full meaning. Because of this, the Enneagram personality test is more commonly used by individuals than teams, and is less popular than StrengthsFinder®.
What Is The Enneagram Test
The Enneagram is a personality test that has nine categories of personalities, and the thinking behind the test is that people don’t change from one personality type to another over the course of their lifetimes. No type is better or worse than another, superior or inferior. They are simply types, with strengths and weaknesses in each of them.
The Enneagram test goes back hundreds of years, as an oral tradition, passed down from generation to generation. It’s been in use in the United States since the 1970s. There are shortened versions of the Enneagram, but the full version (RHETI) includes 144 questions, and takes about 30 minutes to complete.
Personality Types For Enneagram
There are 9 personality types in the Enneagram:
- Reformer / Perfectionist / Diligence
- Helper / Giver / Enabler
- Achiever / Motivator / Succeeder / Performer
- Individualist / Artist / Romantic / Mood / Dramatic
- Investigator / Thinker / Observer / Knowledge
- Loyalist / Questionner / Guardian / Devil’s Advocate / Doubt
- Enthusiast / Adventurer / Dreamer / Options
- Challenger / Asserter / Leader / Confronter / Boss
- Peacemaker / Preservationist / Mediator / Harmony
For more information about our StrengthsFinder® services or to schedule your free 30-minute consultation, call Elizabeth Mahoney at (303) 729-0611, or email
Click here to compare StrengthsFinder® vs DISC.
Click to compare StrengthsFinder® vs Myers-Briggs.
Click here to learn more about options for StrengthsFinder® training and using StrengthsFinder® for team building.