Team Building With StrengthsFinder® For New Hire Teams

Welcome New Hires, Bring Them Into The Fold, And Get Them Up To Speed

FREE CONSULTATION: Call today to schedule a free consultation, (303) 729-0611, or click here to directly book your consultation.

Cog Wheels with Success WordsYou got the budget for it, you hired new people, now what? Even though the prospect of having more hands on deck is appealing, some team leaders are at a loss as to how to ensure that the new hires will fit in with the existing team and culture.

That’s where StrengthsFinder® can come in as a highly effective team building tool

StrengthsFinder® For New Hires
Whether you have one new employee or a group of them, the StrengthsFinder® personality test can help improve the new hire onboarding process. This assessment test consists of 177 questions and takes about 35-45 minutes to complete online. From the results of the test, an individual’s top 5 strengths (out of 34 strengths) are identified.

Challenges Of Introducing New Hires To A Team
Knowing these strengths can help overcome some of the challenges that new employees face, including:

  • cultural fit
  • role clarity
  • team dynamics
  • communication
  • management of expectations
  • knowledge transfer

StrengthsFinder® Helps New Hires
StrengthsFinder® can help individuals identify and articulate their strengths, which can bolster their self-confidence as they step into a new job. With the self-awareness that StrengthsFinder® brings, people are better able to articulate what they do best during interactions with colleagues and managers, which makes it more natural for them to communicate their potential contributions.

StrengthsFinder® Helps Other Team Members
When strengths are shared among the team members, the process of getting to know each other speeds up and people tend to communicate and collaborate better (with the new team members and everyone else).

StrengthsFinder® Helps Leaders And Managers
By knowing the individual strengths of everyone on their team, leaders and managers can introduce new hires by highlighting their unique attributes and those of the other team members. Managers can effectively assign roles and tasks that align with people’s strengths, and they can also make more productive mentoring matches.

StrengthsFinder® Training And Workshops For New Hire Teams
We offer remote and in-person StrengthsFinder® team building trainings and workshops for new hires, and we can customize these to meet your exact needs.

In our StrengthsFinder® trainings and workshops, we typically cover:

  • strengths charting for the entire team (a compilation of each team member’s top 5 strengths)
  • overview of the 34 StrengthsFinder® strengths
  • examples of the combinations of a person’s top 5 strengths
  • contributions, needs, triggers, and overuse patterns of the 34 StrengthsFinder® strengths and how they can impact teams
  • case studies

We’re happy to accommodate your schedule, including providing trainings and workshops on nights and weekends.

For more information about how to use StrengthsFinder® for team building for new hire teams, or to schedule your free 30-minute consultation, call Elizabeth Mahoney at (303) 729-0611, or email

Please note: Based in Colorado, we can deliver in-person StrengthsFinder® trainings and workshops all across the Denver metro area, Colorado, and the United States, as well as remotely.

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