How To Unite New Teams With StrengthsFinder®

FREE CONSULTATION: Call today to schedule a free consultation, (303) 729-0611, or click here to directly book your consultation.

Cog Wheels with Teamwork and Change WordsLet’s face it, change is really hard! And when a lot of change takes place in a short amount of time, or the changes are dramatic, it can have a profound impact on people and their performance.

Productivity can drop, workplace harmony can be disrupted, and people can start to feel concerned about their job security – all of which can have negative and lasting effects on teams.

One of the best ways to address change and its impact is through team building. And one of the best team building tools is the StrengthsFinder® personality test.

The StrengthsFinder® test takes just 35-45 minutes to complete, and it reveals people’s top 5 strengths, out of 34 strengths that the Gallup® Organization has identified.

StrengthsFinder® (also known as CliftonStrengths®) is much easier to understand than the Myers-Briggs (MBTI) test or the DISC profile test, which makes StrengthsFinder® more effective for teams and groups.

In StrengthsFinder®, people’s strengths fall into one of four main areas: Strategic Thinking, Executing, Influencing, and Relationship Building.

As new teams are forming, it can be extremely helpful for leaders and team members to know who is good at what. Who is strong in analytics and strategy? Who naturally makes sure that everything gets done, on time and correctly? Who is adept at communicating and influencing others? And who can really pull the team together with strong relationship skills?

StrengthsFinder® will reveal all of this, and much more.

We are happy to provide StrengthsFinder® training and team building for all types of new teams, including:

We can provide StrengthsFinder® training and team building workshops on site or virtually.

For more information about how to unite new teams using StrengthsFinder®, or to schedule your free 30-minute consultation, call Elizabeth Mahoney at (303) 729-0611, or email

Please note: We’re located in Colorado, we offer team building workshops and training for groups and teams of all sizes, throughout the Denver metro area, Colorado, the U.S. and Canada.