StrengthsFinder® Training And Workshops For Churches

FREE CONSULTATION: Call today to schedule a free consultation, (303) 729-0611, or click here to directly book your consultation.

Would you like to bring the power of StrengthsFinder® to your church and your community?

Also known as CliftonStrengths®, StrengthsFinder® is a wonderful personality test, developed by the Gallup® Organization.

The StrengthsFinder® test takes just 35-45 minutes to complete online, and it reveals your top 5 strengths, out of a possible 34 strengths. These 34 strengths are organized into 4 categories: Relationship Building, Influencing, Executing, and Strategic Thinking.

Everyone in your church can benefit from StrengthsFinder® testing and training, including:

  • church leaders (pastors, ministers, priests, and other leaders)
  • church support staff
  • church volunteers
  • church members

When individuals take the StrengthsFinder® test, the results can be amazing and powerful, even life-changing. Unlike other personality tests, such as the Myers-Briggs (MBTI) and DISC, StrengthsFinder® focuses on each person’s innate strengths.

When church teams take StrengthsFinder® and share their strengths with each other, the results can be even more transformative. Alone, people can be strong, but collectively, they can be unstoppable. Once people understand the strengths of those around them, they better understand each other’s unique gifts and are more likely to ask for and offer support.

In our StrengthsFinder® trainings, workshops, and team building retreats, the topics we cover include:

  • an overview of the 34 strengths and why each strength is important
  • what someone’s top 5 strengths reveal (each specific strength and the combination of the 5 strengths)
  • strengths of well-rounded individuals and well-rounded teams
  • strengths vs personality traits, talents, or styles
  • strengths development continuum (from raw strength to mastery)

Our StrengthsFinder® services for churches and leaders include the following:

  • workshops (in-person or remote)
  • retreats (in-person or remote)
  • one-on-one training (in-person or remote)
  • group training (in-person or remote)
  • train-the-trainer training (in-person or remote)

Please make note that the StrengthsFinder® workshops and retreats include follow-up Zoom consultations and support.

For more information about our StrengthsFinder® workshops and trainings for churches, or to schedule your free 30-minute consultation, call Elizabeth Mahoney at (303) 729-0611, or email

Please note: We are located in Colorado, and we offer training and workshops for all types of churches and denominations, throughout the Denver metro area, Colorado, the U.S. and Canada.