10 Ways To Build A Strengths-Based Culture

Let StrengthsFinder® Imbue Your Workplace Culture

FREE CONSULTATION: Call today to schedule a free consultation, (303) 729-0611, or click here to directly book your consultation.

Board with Collaboration WordsLeaders and managers: If you want to get the most out of each person on your team and the most out of your team as a whole, commit to building and maintaining a strengths-based culture.

Below are 10 ways to use StrengthsFinder® to build a strong team.

1. Strengths-Based Introductions
If you’ve never used StrengthsFinder® before, have everyone take the test and then use the results to “reintroduce” all of the members of your team to each other. You can also focus on strengths again each time new members join your team – this can help set a positive tone and immediately show the team the value that their new team member brings to the group.

2. Individuality, Recognition, And Appreciation
By always focusing on people’s strengths, you can demonstrate an appreciation for individuality and a commitment to leveraging those strengths within the team.

3. Role Assignments And Alignments
Having everyone’s strengths at your fingertips can be a real eye-opener! You might want to reassign people to new tasks, roles, and projects, based on what you now know about their strengths (and weaknesses).

4. Open Communication
Foster an environment in which all of the members of your team feel comfortable talking about their strengths and challenges. Regular check-ins, with each person and the team as a whole, can help head off conflict and keep engagement high.

5. Team Dynamics
Promote differing strengths and workstyles as positives, not negatives. Emphasize that there are no “good strengths” or “bad strengths” among the 34 StrengthsFinder® strengths, and that having a wide variety of strengths on a team can actually be an advantage.

6. Collaboration Opportunities
Identify and create opportunities for people on your team to collaborate with other team members who have complementary – or completely divergent – strengths. Better collaboration can lead directly to more production and innovation.

7. Mentoring Matches
Use strengths as a framework for facilitating mentoring matches. Depending on the circumstances and your desired outcome, it can help to pair people with similar strengths or people who are at opposite ends of the strengths spectrum.

8. Strengths Development And Career Pathing
Encourage your team members to develop their strengths and further explore how they can be applied within their role and within the team. Take the time to meet with everyone on your team individually to talk about their strengths, goals, and aspirations and help them plan for their growth and progression within your team and the organization.

9. Continuous Learning
Building a strengths-based culture isn’t a “one and done” approach. Promote ongoing learning and development around StrengthsFinder®, and keep encouraging people to lean into their strengths and share them with you and other team members.

10. Leadership Example
Lead by example in your management style! Demonstrate your commitment to a strengths-based culture by embedding it into everything you do and constantly making each person on your team feel valued for their unique contributions.

About StrengthsFinder®
Developed by the Gallup® organization, StrengthsFinder® is a personality test that identifies people’s top 5 strengths (out of 34 possible strengths), based on the answers they’ve given to 177 questions. Now known as CliftonStrengths®, this online test takes about 35-45 minutes to complete.

StrengthsFinder® Training And Workshops To Help Build A Strengths-Based Culture
We offer remote and in-person StrengthsFinder® team building trainings and workshops, and we can customize these to meet your exact needs and goals.

In our StrengthsFinder® trainings and workshops, we typically cover:

  • strengths charting for the entire team (a compilation of each team member’s top 5 strengths)
  • overview of the 34 StrengthsFinder® strengths
  • examples of the combinations of a person’s top 5 strengths
  • contributions, needs, triggers, and overuse patterns of the 34 StrengthsFinder® strengths and how they can impact teams
  • case studies

We’re happy to accommodate your schedule, including providing trainings and workshops on nights and weekends.

For more information about how to build a strengths-based culture, or to schedule your free 30-minute consultation, call Elizabeth Mahoney at (303) 729-0611, or email info@strengthscoachingandtraining.com.

Please note: Based in Colorado, we can deliver in-person StrengthsFinder® trainings and workshops all across the Denver metro area, Colorado, and the United States, as well as remotely.

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