How To Onboard A New Team Member Using StrengthsFinder®

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The StrengthsFinder® online assessment (also known as CliftonStrengths®) is a well-respected personal and professional development tool created by the Gallup® organization. StrengthsFinder® measures people’s top 5 strengths, what they’re naturally good at doing. In addition to using StrengthsFinder® for pre-employment screening, you can also use it to help facilitate the onboarding of new team members.

How To Use StrengthsFinder® To Onboard New Team Members
StrengthsFinder® can help improve the onboarding experience for new team members. For starters, StrengthsFinder® can let you know what new team members are good at and areas in which they might need help. Knowing the strengths of new employees can allow you to more effectively assign tasks and projects and you StrengthsFinder® can provide a roadmap for developing the strengths of new team members. Talking about the 34 strengths and 4 domains can also facilitate a common language for your new team member to get to know others on the team, and for your team members to more quickly get to know their new co-worker.

Keeping Strengths Conversation Alive For The Team
Best of all, perhaps, each time you onboard a new team member, you have the opportunity for your entire team to be reminded about their strengths and the strengths of their co-workers. These reminders can help them more effectively partner and collaborate with each other, and ask for help. To make the most of StrengthsFinder®, it’s a good idea to keep a strengths document that outlines each team member’s specific areas of strengths.

Great “Excuse” For Team Building
Every time you onboard a new team member or group of team members, you also have a good “excuse” for a team-building activity. Consider engaging your entire team in a 60-minute or 90-minute team-building session. The meeting or event can serve as a warm welcome for the new team member(s) and help build overall camaraderie.

To help you use StrengthsFinder® to onboard new team members, we offer customized StrengthsFinder® one-on-one training for managers and leaders, as well as team building workshops and “train the trainer” sessions.

For more information about our StrengthsFinder® training services or to schedule your free 30-minute consultation, call Elizabeth Mahoney at (303) 729-0611, or email

Located in Colorado, we work with clients throughout the Denver metro area, Colorado, the U.S., and Canada.

Check out these resources for team building with StrengthsFinder®:
Team Building For Remote Teams: How To Use StrengthsFinder®
How To Build A Team Around Strengths
What Are The Top Strengths That Make A Good Team
What To Do If Your Team Is Missing Strengths
How To Resolve Team Conflict With StrengthsFinder®
What To Do If Your Team Doesn’t Want To Take StrengthsFinder®
How To Use StrengthsFinder® To Assign Projects And Roles
How To Use StrengthsFinder® For Pre-Employment Screening
Why Hire A StrengthsFinder® Trainer For Team Building
StrengthsFinder®: Train The Trainer