What To Do If Your Team Doesn’t Want To Take StrengthsFinder®
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Even though StrengthsFinder® has been around for years and is largely regarded as an accurate and effective personality test, some people don’t want to take it.
In most cases, when people are reluctant to take the StrengthsFinder® test (also known as CliftonStrengths®), it’s because they don’t want to be “put in a box.”
The beauty of StrengthsFinder®, however, is that there is no “box.” The odds of two people having the same 34 strengths, in a different order, are approximately 1 in 278,000. The odds of two people having the same strengths, in the same order, are 1 in 33.39 million.
If you would like to use StrengthsFinder® with your team but are getting pushback from some or all of your team members, below are suggestions for how to gain wider acceptance.
Educate Your Team About The Unique Benefits of StrengthsFinder®
To get your team members to embrace StrengthsFinder® (or at least have an open mind about it), it helps to educate them. Cite the statistics above about how StrengthsFinder® doesn’t put them in a box. Emphasize that StrengthsFinder® can highlight their unique attributes. Let your team know that the focus of StrengthsFinder® is strengths, not weaknesses and that by better understanding themselves and everyone else on the team, they might enjoy work more. Reinforce the notion that that knowing everyone strengths can lead to more collaboration and cooperation, and that the greater the diversity of strengths on a team, the stronger the team.
Be Open and Transparent About How You’ll Use the StrengthsFinder® Results
You can calm people’s anxieties about StrengthsFinder® by telling them, upfront, what you plan to do with the StrengthsFinder® results. Let them know that you intend to create a team culture that consistently focuses on developing strengths and partnering in areas of non-strength. This will require a combination of confidence and vulnerability on your part, which will set an example for all of your team members. Confidence is derived from owning strengths, and vulnerability comes from opening up about weaknesses and trusting teammates to help pick up the slack.
We Can Help
In the past, we have found that StrengthsFinder® trainings tend to go over better when a facilitator with StrengthsFinder® expertise is brought in, rather than when a team leader tries to manage the StrengthsFinder® results and meetings. We can serve as impartial observers, saying the hard things that sometimes need to be said and helping ensure that everyone on your team has a positive experience.
For more information about our StrengthsFinder® trainings and workshops, or to schedule your free 30-minute consultation, call Elizabeth Mahoney at (303) 729-0611, or email info@strengthscoachingandtraining.com.
Located in Colorado, we work with clients throughout the Denver metro area, Colorado, the U.S., and Canada.
Check out these resources for team building with StrengthsFinder®:
Team Building For Remote Teams: How To Use StrengthsFinder®
How To Build A Team Around Strengths
What Are The Top Strengths That Make A Good Team
What To Do If Your Team Is Missing Strengths
How To Resolve Team Conflict With StrengthsFinder®
How To Use StrengthsFinder® To Assign Projects And Roles
How To Use StrengthsFinder® For Pre-Employment Screening
How To Onboard New Team Members Using StrengthsFinder®
Why Hire A StrengthsFinder® Trainer For Team Building
StrengthsFinder®: Train The Trainer